Inauguration of the Swiss-Russian R&D Center RITM
Alexander Herbst
December 1, 2017
Inauguration of the Swiss-Russian R&D Center RITM
Term: 28.11.2017, 10:00 to 16:00 Uhr.
Address: MTU (Moscow Technological University), Moskau, pr-t Vernadskogo 86, Chair of Biology and Pharmacy
RITM: „Development, Transfer and Upscaling of Microfluidic Processes”.
Founder / Participant:
Wingflow AG (Frick, Switzerland)
Rohrer AG (Möhlin, Switzerland)
IPT (Insitute of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Moscow)
RTU MIREA (Russian Technological University, Moscow).
RITM is equipped with the automatic microfluidic system Qmix Pro Ext and microfluidic education kit eduFLOSYS of Wingflow AG as well as semi-automatic blister machine R560 of Rohrer AG.